November Meeting: Making Licensed Legal Paraprofessional Reality in Colorado: Lessons in Consensus Building and Compromise
The Cisneros Pupilage Group Invites you to join us at the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law for: “Making Licensed Legal Paraprofessional Reality in Colorado:Lessons in Consensus Building and Compromise.” Guest speakers who have been closely involved in the effort to make licensed legal paraprofessionals a reality in Colorado will tell the story of taking this initiative from the idea phase, through the various meetings and negotiations, to the current phase of official adoption of the new rules and procedures. The purpose of the presentation is to use this initiative as a case study for how you take an idea and make it a reality and the hard work required to do so, including organizing, consensus building, making compromises, outreach, and education. The presentation should provide attendees would have a roadmap for taking future access-to-justice ideas and making them a reality.
Interested but not yet a member? Please email us for more information: